A Self-Help Blog for Myself and You - Mission: Find more Reasons to Smile!


This is a blog to help me attain my main goal: Happiness. A place to help us Vancouverites reach out to one another on a day to day basis. A how-to on simply smiling to spread more joy in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I will engage, inspire, motivate, lament, reflect, vent, rage, ridicule, and share my personal stories (check out My evil twin Judy's on-line dating journal).

My Mission: Change the Face of Vancouver
Time Line: As Long as it Takes

Why?: To retain My Will to Live



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The sun Shines we Shine

It's so very simple. Like we didn't know it but as it turns out the stats are in - when it is warm and sunny and all one has to don is the lightest of shifts and some flipflops - there are bound to be smiles!  How effortless! I remember my days in Florida walking into the local supermarket to smiling faces of, yes, even employees who kept eye contact and honestly asked, 'how you doing?" to which I got to flirtingly reply, "good, you?" all breathy like.  What happened to those days? Well, they're baaaaaaack.

It is sooooo easy to get people smiling now. One woman, in the woods on a dog walk of the most perfect of outdoor conditions by the side of a lovely, clean river, just couldn't wipe this silly grin off her face while passing me.  It is just too much happiness for us dog walkers. Finally! A chance to be outside all the time - when we want to!  Thank you very much. So we're all slap happity happy now and I can see it lasting for a long long time.  I will tell myself that for as long as I wish. So there.

Also, it feels pretty sexy to have some color too! No denying it. Thank you Lord!

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