A Self-Help Blog for Myself and You - Mission: Find more Reasons to Smile!


This is a blog to help me attain my main goal: Happiness. A place to help us Vancouverites reach out to one another on a day to day basis. A how-to on simply smiling to spread more joy in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I will engage, inspire, motivate, lament, reflect, vent, rage, ridicule, and share my personal stories (check out My evil twin Judy's on-line dating journal).

My Mission: Change the Face of Vancouver
Time Line: As Long as it Takes

Why?: To retain My Will to Live



Monday, September 26, 2011

Me - NOW and THEN

I probably haven't written on this thing for a while because I had nothing smile worthy to share so dim was my view. But now, as you'll read, I'm a whole lot better off for dragging myself through the sludge.  I'm not saying it will be all roses in the future, but I'm hoping the worst has passed for a while.  Is that too much to ask?  Anyhow, I am smiling more these days...find out why. Read on.

Current "Me":
I'm an entrepreneur - a woman of many means. I do: PR; personally assist successful business women (because they rock!); promote the family business; sell credit card processing (aka. the lottery); cook for a friend, a "she" as it happens, who is a rigger for the BC Place roof (12 hr days, 7 days a week); collect stuff to sell at my own event (with pal of same name weird); shlepp shit for Live Nation (but get free entry to most concerts  along with tons of free food to fill the fridge); am surveying a few other original business concepts; and basically, having the time of my life. 
No office for me. 
I figured out how to make that happen. 

The idea of waking up, for the second year in a row, as a dog owner in blustery Van City, only to head off to some office, work amongst people and make nice nice, then leave in what looks like night time (which it has since 3:15) made me want to off myself.  I’d get pains in my stomach just thinking about it.  Like getting showered and dressed super early, and bringing a lunch!  Forget it.  I’m done. So now I work five-plus jobs but somehow it doesn't feel like work.  I do feel totally responsible for bringing in more business (which sometimes just means making the boss’ life easier).  But as long as I back these businesses, and the women who run them, and enjoy their company then I win. Money became secondary to spiritual survival. What I decided was that no matter what happened I had to be happy and couldn’t do what I hated.  It was my fear of an uninspired life that made me take all those risks and become plum broke.  But now I know what I was supposed to learn and it’s all about what I do from day to day and what/whom I support.

That’s a good feeling
along with the not having to pick up poop in the wee hours. 

Former "Me":
I am a 45 year old woman who is single, unemployed, and without my own home.  Yes, it may sound sad...but it's not.  Because, you see, I am in the situation that I'm in because of the risks, moves, and challenges I've taken on.  I was a waitress for ten years, taught high school Drama for ten years, ran a business for the last three years in Florida, and am now back in Van City where I plan on making it big!  Instead of ranting about Vancouver's shortcomings to everyone I meet (not great on a first date!), I figured I'd start my own blog.  Along with the bitching will be honest accounts of thoughts, conversations, happenings, and the like.  Love to all!  In the end, all we have are the memories and the ones that count are those involving connecting with other living beings.  Happiness  is a choice y’all – start with a smile.

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