A Self-Help Blog for Myself and You - Mission: Find more Reasons to Smile!


This is a blog to help me attain my main goal: Happiness. A place to help us Vancouverites reach out to one another on a day to day basis. A how-to on simply smiling to spread more joy in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I will engage, inspire, motivate, lament, reflect, vent, rage, ridicule, and share my personal stories (check out My evil twin Judy's on-line dating journal).

My Mission: Change the Face of Vancouver
Time Line: As Long as it Takes

Why?: To retain My Will to Live



Sunday, December 19, 2010


I cannot contain myself - my heart is expanding, I feel good will towards all - even the non-smilers.  You see, after having been through the trenches, the heartache, the rudderless future, the lack of spirituality - I am on the other side.  How magnificent it is.  

Looking and finding, yes finding, the good, the learning, the reasoning behind my life and its varied directions and current path leaves me smiling. Once you scratch the bottom overcome by darkness, only to really see and feel certain about the Light (and I don't mean the one at the end of the proverbial tunnel) you wind up really, really grateful.  At least I do.  

I didn't know what would happen, what would become of me, at 45, upon arriving back to Vancouver with little cash and no home.  A summer job was waiting but after that, I did not know what I would do nor how I would get myself out of my money hole. Well, now, after six months, things are bearing fruit. I get to still be a drama teacher, part time, write two scripts against cyberbullying which will tour elementary and high schools, and remain in the business world through sales, as well as plan a really cool event for the district's drama students for February.  Wow - creativity and business - plus, sometimes, I can do a yoga class in the middle of the day - or sleep in.  This new life, in six short months, was created by me and was supported by my higher self - helping me to become the best I can be.  Awesome blossom.

I know that I've always bitched on this blog - bitched about how socially inept Vancouverites are.  My latest is: why are we so good at social networking, but shit at socializing?  That said, right now, the holiday season, living with my best friend (in photo) and her daughter, drinking Bailey's, eating Toblerone and good cheese, and laughing, laughing, laughing - I cannot bitch.  Daily I give thanks for this life. In every moment I am becoming more and more connected and absolutely certain.  All is as it should be.

But, being a preacher - um, teacher, I do have a message: when doing that last bit of Christmas shopping, take the time to hold the door for someone, smile at a passerby, and chit chat with the cashier. You are not in a rush - never too rushed to put a smile on people's faces, never.   Tis the season to be jolly - be jolly when it is difficult, and you earn extra points.  Reap the rewards.  Turn the dark into light. I did, and I wish that for all of you - my some 19 readers (small in number, large in heart).  

Much love y'all.

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