A Self-Help Blog for Myself and You - Mission: Find more Reasons to Smile!


This is a blog to help me attain my main goal: Happiness. A place to help us Vancouverites reach out to one another on a day to day basis. A how-to on simply smiling to spread more joy in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I will engage, inspire, motivate, lament, reflect, vent, rage, ridicule, and share my personal stories (check out My evil twin Judy's on-line dating journal).

My Mission: Change the Face of Vancouver
Time Line: As Long as it Takes

Why?: To retain My Will to Live



Thursday, August 12, 2010

Swept off My Feet! Literally.

By a dog. Yes, you heard it. A dog, my friend's dog Charlie, was running full speed with Bogie, and lifted me straight up off my feet. Literally. I flew up and came crashing down on my side, in the dirt. Guess what? I didn't freak out. Like Johnson's Baby Shampoo - There were no tears. In fact, I felt quite spry. A canine chiropractic adjustment - it took years off my life, and the cost: free!

You see? That's how it's done. One need not be flattened by the lift us off our feet scenarios but can step back, take a breath, and ask: how can this be good for me? The more difficult it is to ask that question, the more there is to learn and benefit from the scenario. So, so difficult but the payoff - better than you could ever imagine. But do imagine it. Imagine it now - while in the shit. Know that you are only given what you can handle, and that if handled with care, you will grow IN just a little bit right now to become just a tad more resilient and yes, dare I say, happy.

Finding the laugh in any given situation is always a way to the light of it. And, guess what's happening when you are laughing? Yes! You are so brilliant! You are SMILING!!

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